
Archive for August 2006

Little Miss Sunshine (4 stars)

Little Miss Sunshine imageConvinced their little Olive (Abigail Breslin) is beauty queen material, parents Richard (Greg Kinnear) and Sheryl (Toni Collette) and the rest of the family embark on a life-altering road trip to a pageant in this madcap comedy. Struggling motivational speaker Richard pushes Olive to win, while her silent brother (Paul Dano), depressed uncle (Steve Carell) and nursing-home reject grandpa (Alan Arkin) add their own quirks to the mix.

Geoff’s Comments: Although the closing was outlandish, this had some laugh out loud moments and the family puts the ‘fun’ in dysfunctional.

[ rent Little Miss Sunshine via netflix.com ]

Written by gsm

08/31/2006 at 9:04 pm

Posted in  Video 

Little Miss Sunshine (4 stars)

Little Miss Sunshine imageConvinced their little Olive (Abigail Breslin) is beauty queen material, parents Richard (Greg Kinnear) and Sheryl (Toni Collette) and the rest of the family embark on a life-altering road trip to a pageant in this madcap comedy. Struggling motivational speaker Richard pushes Olive to win, while her silent brother (Paul Dano), depressed uncle (Steve Carell) and nursing-home reject grandpa (Alan Arkin) add their own quirks to the mix.

Geoff’s Comments: Although the closing was outlandish, this had some laugh out loud moments and the family puts the ‘fun’ in dysfunctional.

[ rent Little Miss Sunshine via netflix.com ]

Written by gsm

08/31/2006 at 9:04 pm

Posted in  Video 

The Next 24

When the twins turned one, I’d become accustom to sleep deprivation, and used those night time hours to create “The 1st 21 Months”, a Movie documenting the journey that led up to their first birthday. When they turned 2, we’d moved, taken a new job, bought a new house, and were at the heights of stress. So in filmmaker terms, the project was shelved. Today, 08/26/06, they turn 3. Two days ago, I got that typical, creative, ‘wild hair up my butt’, so to speak, and made an aggressive effort (two very late nights/early mornings) to make up for the missed year, and encompass the last one as well. Thus the title,” The Next 24“.

As it says in the end… to be continued…

Watch “The Next 24”

NOTE: This is password protected. User Name = my son’s first name [formal], Password = my daughter’s first name. Both lowercase.

Written by gsm

08/26/2006 at 8:11 am

Posted in  Journal 

The God Who Wasn’t There (3 stars)

The God Who Wasn't There imageBorrowing the lively approach of documentaries such as Fahrenheit 9/11 and Super Size Me, ex-Christian fundamentalist Brian Flemming‘s exposé shines an unflinching spotlight on Christianity and the existence of Christ. Flemming interviews religious experts and Christians of varying backgrounds, ultimately asserting that Jesus Christ is more than likely a fictional character based on legend and that Christian doctrine is rife with contradiction.

Geoff’s Comments: OK, those that know me understand that a film of this nature is preaching my own gospel. That being said, and without going into a litany of details that completely shatter the myths around the foundations of the religion, the approach behind this documentary was a bit too condescending and patronizing, a tactic that I think could ultimately turn a viewer away, based on their subconscious reaction and offense, ultimately losing an opportunity to show facts in a clear and simple fashion, without so directly confronting the absurdity behind the beliefs. Of course that’s just my opinion… I may burn in hell. :-/

[ rent The God Who Wasn’t There via netflix.com ]

[ View the trailer online ]

Written by gsm

08/25/2006 at 7:07 am

Posted in  Video 

The God Who Wasn’t There (3 stars)

The God Who Wasn't There imageBorrowing the lively approach of documentaries such as Fahrenheit 9/11 and Super Size Me, ex-Christian fundamentalist Brian Flemming‘s exposé shines an unflinching spotlight on Christianity and the existence of Christ. Flemming interviews religious experts and Christians of varying backgrounds, ultimately asserting that Jesus Christ is more than likely a fictional character based on legend and that Christian doctrine is rife with contradiction.

Geoff’s Comments: OK, those that know me understand that a film of this nature is preaching my own gospel. That being said, and without going into a litany of details that completely shatter the myths around the foundations of the religion, the approach behind this documentary was a bit too condescending and patronizing, a tactic that I think could ultimately turn a viewer away, based on their subconscious reaction and offense, ultimately losing an opportunity to show facts in a clear and simple fashion, without so directly confronting the absurdity behind the beliefs. Of course that’s just my opinion… I may burn in hell. :-/

[ rent The God Who Wasn’t There via netflix.com ]

[ View the trailer online ]

Written by gsm

08/25/2006 at 7:07 am

Posted in  Video 

Do Psychics Run In The Family?

When I came home this evening and, talking to my wife, relayed the details around my conversation with my mother and learning of my father having been a twin, something pretty wild happened. When I told her what his sister’s name was, she gasped, stepped back and had goose bumps raise on her arms. She explained to me that just yesterday, while watching our daughter playing in the park, she suddenly thought, regarding her name, “she’d have been a good ‘Amelia'”! She even said she ran the name repeatedly through her head… “Amelia Mitchell”… “Amelia Mitchell”… “Amelia Mitchell”… pretty freaky. Makes you wonder about the timing and coincidence.

By the way, we’ll be open for palm readings this weekend, and all forms of payment will be accepted.

Written by gsm

08/24/2006 at 7:02 pm

Posted in  Journal 

… and a GPS Chip In Every Child

Today’s work day was interrupted by a phone call from my wife, in a state of sheer panic, over the disappearance of our son at the ‘Children’s Discovery Museum’. He’d disappeared by the entrance, was no where to be seen inside, and did not respond to her repeated efforts to locate him. He was not outside either.

I was on my way within 60 seconds, the only thing going faster then my heart were the wheels of my car.
Read the rest of this entry »

Written by gsm

08/24/2006 at 2:37 pm

Posted in  Journal 

… and a GPS Chip In Every Child

Today’s work day was interrupted by a phone call from my wife, in a state of sheer panic, over the disappearance of our son at the ‘Children’s Discovery Museum’. He’d disappeared by the entrance, was no where to be seen inside, and did not respond to her repeated efforts to locate him. He was not outside either.

I was on my way within 60 seconds, the only thing going faster then my heart were the wheels of my car.
Read the rest of this entry »

Written by gsm

08/24/2006 at 2:37 pm

Posted in  Journal 

Do Twins Run In The Family?

Ever since the kids were born, people who find out I have twins usually say one of two things: “Did you do IVF?” and “Do twins run in your family?”. My typical response to the first question depends on who’s asking, as it’s a relatively personal question to be asked by the 17 year old gum-snapping Britney-wannabe sliding a pack of pull-ups over the bar code scanner at Target. The 2nd question is usually answered with “Yes, they run all over the place” or “No, we did IVF”. Until now. Until a conversation this morning in which my mom casually mentioned that my father was a twin.

Read the rest of this entry »

Written by gsm

08/24/2006 at 5:42 am

Posted in  Journal 

War of the Worlds (3 stars)

War of the Worlds imageYou know the story: Invading Martians equipped with ships that shoot unstoppable disintegration rays attempt to overwhelm the Earth. Based on the novel by H.G. Wells (and adapted into a famous 1953 movie starring Gene Barry), this version stars Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning as a father and daughter trying to keep one step ahead of the destroying Martians while humanity tries to muster a defense … any defense! Steven Spielberg directs.

Geoff’s Comments: Much to my surprise, i enjoyed this. I had to force back the gag reflex at a couple of Cruise’s ‘acting’ moments, but overall it was well made, great effects and kept my interest throughout.

[ rent War of the Worlds via netflix.com ]

Written by gsm

08/22/2006 at 10:04 pm

Posted in  Video 

War of the Worlds (3 stars)

War of the Worlds imageYou know the story: Invading Martians equipped with ships that shoot unstoppable disintegration rays attempt to overwhelm the Earth. Based on the novel by H.G. Wells (and adapted into a famous 1953 movie starring Gene Barry), this version stars Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning as a father and daughter trying to keep one step ahead of the destroying Martians while humanity tries to muster a defense … any defense! Steven Spielberg directs.

Geoff’s Comments: Much to my surprise, i enjoyed this. I had to force back the gag reflex at a couple of Cruise’s ‘acting’ moments, but overall it was well made, great effects and kept my interest throughout.

[ rent War of the Worlds via netflix.com ]

Written by gsm

08/22/2006 at 10:04 pm

Posted in  Video 

Melinda and Melinda (1 star)

Melinda and Melinda imageIn Woody Allen‘s film, two writers see the story of a woman who comes undone at a dinner party in different ways — one as a comedy, the other as a tragedy. Radha Mitchell stars as Melinda in both versions; in one, her problems hasten the breakup of her pal Laurel’s (Chloe Sevigny and Jonny Lee Miller) marriage, while in the other, she throws another couple, Susan and Hobie (Amanda Peet and Will Ferrell), into a hilarious tizzy.

Geoff’s Comments: Seriously, you’d be hard pressed to convince me that Woody Allen is not one of the greatest film makers of our time, and personal favorites like ‘Stardust Memories’ and commercial successes like ‘Annie Hall’ and ‘Hannah and Her Sisters’ bear witness, and make viewing lesser known films like ‘Sweet and Lowdown’ and ‘Shadows and Fog’ a must for any fan. HOWEVER there are a few exceptions to this rule, the painful ‘Celebrity’ and this being a couple of them. As promising and interesting as the concept was at the outset, the dialog was so exhaustively ponderous and unnatural that it just made it unbearable.

[ rent Melinda and Melinda via netflix.com ]

Written by gsm

08/22/2006 at 7:58 am

Posted in  Video 

Melinda and Melinda (1 star)

Melinda and Melinda imageIn Woody Allen‘s film, two writers see the story of a woman who comes undone at a dinner party in different ways — one as a comedy, the other as a tragedy. Radha Mitchell stars as Melinda in both versions; in one, her problems hasten the breakup of her pal Laurel’s (Chloe Sevigny and Jonny Lee Miller) marriage, while in the other, she throws another couple, Susan and Hobie (Amanda Peet and Will Ferrell), into a hilarious tizzy.

Geoff’s Comments: Seriously, you’d be hard pressed to convince me that Woody Allen is not one of the greatest film makers of our time, and personal favorites like ‘Stardust Memories’ and commercial successes like ‘Annie Hall’ and ‘Hannah and Her Sisters’ bear witness, and make viewing lesser known films like ‘Sweet and Lowdown’ and ‘Shadows and Fog’ a must for any fan. HOWEVER there are a few exceptions to this rule, the painful ‘Celebrity’ and this being a couple of them. As promising and interesting as the concept was at the outset, the dialog was so exhaustively ponderous and unnatural that it just made it unbearable.

[ rent Melinda and Melinda via netflix.com ]

Written by gsm

08/22/2006 at 7:58 am

Posted in  Video 

Self Improvement Grade : D

I’ll skip the breakdown; it’s enough to simply say that my focus and efforts, no matter how sincere and dilligent, aren’t bearing much fruit, and the only thing that’s wearing thin is my patience. I’m feeling very down about pretty much every effort/aspect in my attempts to ‘be the me I want to be’. This is beyond depressing. Hopefully I’ll return next week with a more optimistic perspective.

Written by gsm

08/21/2006 at 10:35 pm

Pitch Black Comedy

I went with my four good friends tonight to see ‘Lewis Black’ at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga, an outdoor theatre. Just as the warm up act was leaving the stage, the speakers went *pop* and the power went out for the venue. The staff improvised, putting large candelabras on stage and using a power generator to drive the audio and a weak spotlight. The show went on, was fun, but the conditions proved more distracting then optimal for a standup routine, for myself and perhaps for Lewis as well. I’ve greatly enjoyed all of his CD’s and consider his topical humor and social observations to be akin to those of such greats as Bill Hicks and even Lenny Bruce, but this particular event was not quite up to par, or the bar i’d set going into it. It was still a great evening out with friends, though.

Written by gsm

08/19/2006 at 8:37 pm

A Screw Loose

Allow me to vent. I just set about a ‘quick fix’ of something in the house, and wanted to capture my frustration with screws. It’ll have certainly be one of my ‘pet peeves’ whenever I get around to documenting them. WTF is it with the concept of/retention of the ‘Standard’ vs ‘Phillips’ head screws? Once we had the ‘Phillips’, what possible benefit/reason is there to still produce and sell the ‘Standard’. They suck. There’s nothing about them that is functionally superior to the ‘Phillips’ style, which is far easier to use and does not slip about, not to mention the hassles of switching between screwdrivers or bits. So why are they still out there? Can’t we recognize and evolve, even if it’s just in tools and hardware? Grrrrrrrr.

Written by gsm

08/18/2006 at 7:29 am

Conquer Haste

My Aunt, who recently visited us and stayed in our home for a few days, sent a package to us via my Mom. I stopped by this morning, en route to work, already well behind schedule and under the gun with a full day’s worth of work to accomplish in what never amounts to a full day’s worth of time.

When i picked up the package, I was momentarily tempted to start exploring the contents, and suddenly thought of an insightful passage i’d read many years earlier in ‘Zen in the Martial Arts‘. It gave me cause to take the box with me and go through it this evening when I can be ‘in the moment’.
Read the rest of this entry »

Written by gsm

08/16/2006 at 6:51 am

Posted in  Journal 

Self Improvement Grade : C

Exercise : A : I’ve stuck with the routine and pushed to the limit each time.
Eating Right : B : The WWDC beer bash aside, i’ve continued to be diligent but it’s starting to be a pain/drain.
Weight Loss : B : I guess losing a pound counts for something but with such efforts I am very discouraged that it’s not been more.
Attitude : D : I’m discouraged, worn, and irritable.


Written by gsm

08/14/2006 at 7:47 pm

The Interpreter (2 stars)

The Interpreter imageSilvia Broome’s (Nicole Kidman) job is to translate for her assigned delegate the complex issues faced by the United Nations. But the interpreter’s daily challenge turns epic when she accidentally overhears details of a plot to assassinate a high-ranking government official. Suddenly, her existence is overshadowed by danger, and she must unravel an intricate yarn of intrigue with the help of an FBI agent (Sean Penn) in order to save herself.

Geoff’s Comments: This was full of plot holes, improbability and contrived dialog, but it remained engaging and had it’s moments.

[ rent The Interpreter via netflix.com ]

Written by gsm

08/14/2006 at 7:03 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

The Interpreter (2 stars)

The Interpreter imageSilvia Broome’s (Nicole Kidman) job is to translate for her assigned delegate the complex issues faced by the United Nations. But the interpreter’s daily challenge turns epic when she accidentally overhears details of a plot to assassinate a high-ranking government official. Suddenly, her existence is overshadowed by danger, and she must unravel an intricate yarn of intrigue with the help of an FBI agent (Sean Penn) in order to save herself.

Geoff’s Comments: This was full of plot holes, improbability and contrived dialog, but it remained engaging and had it’s moments.

[ rent The Interpreter via netflix.com ]

Written by gsm

08/14/2006 at 7:03 pm

Posted in  Video 

I Almost Lost My Header

I’ve been searching for some time for the original ‘header’ for my website, and stumbled across it tonight. This was a custom ‘cluster’ of icons and images I put together way back in 1999-2000 when i first started geoffmitchell.com. It was intended to represent the many areas I hoped to focus on, from movies, music, technology, photos, rantings and more. I played with a few updates tonight and eventually tossed them out, wanting instead to honor the original vision. Sure, it’s a bit outdated, as the video tapes and bondi-blue imac imply, let alone it’s ‘pixeled’ appearance, but it’s just what it was some 6-7 years ago. That’s ~23 in web-years.

Written by gsm

08/13/2006 at 11:44 pm

Posted in  Scrapbook 

Kids Make Me Sick

We had to cancel plans to have friends over for dinner tonight and it started me thinking about the change that kids bring about relative to your health and the health of your friends. As I told my pregnant friend today, there’s two scenarios on the horizon for the next few years of her life; you’ll have friends call and cancel due to their kids being ill (desired) or you have friends arrive a bit late and attribute it to their child having had violent vomiting and explosive diarrhea fits on the drive over…. which they explain just in time for you to see your kids sharing sippy cups… lovely.

When you have sick kids, you tend to get sick as well, as do your friends and their kids when they play together. It’s a given. Hugs are exchanged, food is prepared and passed, kids cuddle or worse, sneeze without forewarning….so when you have friends with kids, or even far more important, friends that are pregnant, you’re doing them a great favor by being considerate of their health.

Written by gsm

08/12/2006 at 12:42 pm

Posted in  Miscellaneous 

Are You Dying For A Soda?

Yes, that’s a harsh title to use when posting links to reports of the effect of soda’s on health and weight, but it’s also an ultimate truth; if you don’t pay attention to what goes into your body you can expect it to respond adversely. I’ve had my shared of periods of constant consumption of Coke, Pepsi, etc…. but being in the mindset of a parent and of trying to get back into shape means being aware of what you’re consuming and it’s impact on your body. For awhile there, i’d have a Pepsi and try and ‘hide it’ from the kids in a large cup. They’d say ‘Soda? I want soda’. Insert shudder here. That helped me stop that trend, and these reports might help you do so as well, if you’ve not already.

Report Says Sugary Drinks Pile on Pounds
Singling out soda pop justified, say experts

Written by gsm

08/08/2006 at 2:53 pm

Posted in  Miscellaneous 

An un-PC Commercial

At a recent Apple event they screened an ‘unaired’ commercial for us that was very very funny. I thought ‘That’ll never see the light of day’. I thought wrong. It’s posted on Apple’s website. Go check it out. Watch “The PC Guy” deliver his own greeting to the attendees of the annual Worldwide Developers Conference.

Written by gsm

08/08/2006 at 9:11 am

Observations On The WWDC Keynote

Like many long time Mac users and definitely, as an Apple Employee, any time we get to hear Steve speak, we look forward to walking away mesmerized and enthused. The man is a truly dynamic and captivating speaker, and has the ability to rally the troops like no other. Having worked at Apple under Scully, Spindler, Amelio and Jobs, no leadership besides that of Jobs has taken Apple forward and upward.

Yet at this years WWDC Keynote, as the press appears to have noticed as well, it was not quite ‘up to par’ with most of his previous speeches. Even my close friends and co-workers were surprised at the handing off of many portions of the keynote to other leaders within the company while Steve stepped back into the sidelines. Also, many have commented on his appearing thinner then usual.

I have my own thoughts on this, some echo that of the popular press and others are more ‘first hand’ observations.
Read the rest of this entry »

Written by gsm

08/08/2006 at 5:21 am